The Effect of Diet and Exercise On Age Perception

a mom and her daughter exercise indoors while having fun

Nothing will stop the effects of time. People age and our bodies change. However, we often tend to perceive ourselves and others as older because of controllable factors, such as poor health. Fortunately, there are things we can do to improve our well-being that will help us look and feel like more youthful versions of ourselves.


The mindful practice of yoga can have a profound and positive effect on even the most stressed individuals. While yoga is not the only form of exercise that has positive benefits, it’s one that has been studied extensively – proven to encourage better sleep, relieve anxiety, and even decrease back pain.

The truth is that any form of exercise, whether aerobic or anaerobic, is good for the body. Staying fit keeps your weight in check, can help purify your body from the inside out, and will have a profound effect on the way your body processes oxygen with age. A good rule of thumb is to plan for approximately 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous or moderate aerobic activity each week.

Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to stay motivated to exercise. Although you know you must remain active, there are a few ways to trick yourself into doing so without it feeling like a chore. One idea is to invest in tools that help you track your progress. A smartwatch is a useful accessory. This is a good choice because it can help you monitor your oxygen levels and show you how active you are each day. A smart scale is also a must-have. Not only will it help you keep track of your weight, but it calculates your BMI and body fat composition, too, so you stay on top of your weight goals more accurately.

Finally, consider setting up a small area in your home where you can exercise without distraction. You don’t have to dedicate an entire room to your routine; a corner of a room where you can move freely will work just fine. However, regardless of whether you transform an entire room into a haven for exercise or simply decide to work out in the living room, make sure you keep the area as clean as possible. This will help you avoid injury and reduce the type of stress and anxiety that clutter and disorganization can cause.


While exercise is crucial, it will only take you so far in your quest to feel younger and more energetic. The other missing piece of the puzzle is diet.

Healthcare professionals often assert that humans were meant to eat whole foods. There is a good reason for this. Foods in their whole and natural state are more easily processed by the body. Without artificial colors, flavorings, and sugars, we are less likely to experience side effects of processed foods, including premature wrinkling. Whole foods include things like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Harvard University recommends a number of superfoods for a healthy diet, including berries, fish, and olive oil. These types of foods provide antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E, respectively. Each of these nutrients will help your body remain healthy, which will greatly affect how you feel about yourself.

Other ways to feel your best

Diet and exercise are great first steps toward living a better life. But if you want to enhance your overall physical and mental well-being, there are many other actions you can take. These include:

  • Wear sunscreen. UV rays damage the skin by degrading collagen and triggering dryness and wrinkles. You’ll feel better about your appearance simply by taking care of the delicate skin on your face.
  • Spend time with people you love. Spending all of your time alone is a nearly surefire way to experience a decline in health. Forge bonds with people who make you happy, and make a point to spend time with these people regularly.
  • Be mindful of your actions. Everything you do each day contributes to how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Do everything with intention and be mindful of each action you take to interact with the world around you.
  • Get a massage. If you need to unwind after a long day at work or you want a little relief from your workout routine, book a session with Californian Massage. Our technique can have a profound effect on the deepest levels of the body-mind system, which can help promote self-healing.

Age is much more about how you look than how you feel. However, when you take steps to ensure that you feel your best, your outside appearance will reflect this dedication to wellness. Start with diet and exercise because both of which will propel you in the right direction.

Dana Brown
of Health Conditions

Emotional Growth is a Subtractive Process

thank you Dr. Shefali

Violent Sex and Vagina Healing

A rape is not necessary for a vagina to be traumatized.
When treated in a rough and violent way, even within a stable and apparently healthy relationship, the extremely sensitive tissues of the vagina may lose their very high sensitivity.

In the West, men and women learn the art of making love with pornography, an industry that works with the intention of attracting mostly a male audience from a young age, encouraging the abuse of integrity and the female body.
In this type of production, it is not uncommon for men to “consume” and abuse the woman’s body like an animal, hitting her with force and brutality, humiliating her and diminishing its value.

This type of message is then replicated by man, in his intimate relationships.

Ignorant of the true art of making love, most Western men are unaware of the female physiognomy as well as the very high sensitivity of the vagina, adding to the fact that many women accept this type of behavior, because they themselves are not available to respect and listen to the your own body.

Many are subject to this type of behavior because they fear losing the man.

Loneliness is one of the greatest fears of women.

By allowing violence, the woman gradually suffers a decrease in her receptive qualities.

In the West, a man penetrates a woman long before her sexual temperature is high enough to invite him in.

Secondly, after the entrance of the man, a series of frictions of the penis occurs against the sensitive and soft vaginal walls that cause another negative effect:

The vagina is no longer a highly sensitive and receptive channel, but a hardened and “armored” channel.

Thirdly, the mechanical movements of the pelvis, typical of conventional sex, contribute even more to increase the growing insensitivity of the interior of the vagina.

Slow sex and vagina healing

A concrete example of the connection between the breasts and the vagina-uterus is the fact that the sucking of the newborn activates the expulsion of the placenta and that when mothers breastfeed, they generate oxytocin that acts at the level of the cervix.

So is good breast stimulation sufficient to reach orgasm?

There are many women who do not need this step to reach the climax, but for most this is a precious step, that if it were respected and well conducted, there would probably not be as many women, frigid or with difficulties to reach orgasm.

When well stimulated, the breasts promote a type of energy that floods and ignites the vagina.

In a heterosexual relationship, the vagina, as a passive pole, must be fully prepared to receive the maximum impact from male energy.

It is important to reconcile the receptive / passive nature of female sexuality.
Passive does not mean submissive.

In Sacred Sexuality, the woman receives male energy in her body and that is why she is said to be the passive pole: her movement is not forward or outward, as in the case of male energy, but from within to up.

When a woman’s vagina vibrates as a magnetic response to the caress of her breasts, sexual, creative and pleasurable energy becomes receptive and activates itself.

This is the moment when the woman realizes that she is ready for intercourse.

It is a completely spontaneous energetic event: an absolute “Yes” to penetration from the depths.
Then the entrance of the dynamic energy of the penis can be opened creating a live electromagnetic circuit.

The vagina “melts” around the penis and drinks the energy that radiates from it.

The woman, as a feminine receptive force, has the ability to drag male energy upwards through her vagina, taking it to the heart and elevating it to a higher frequency.

Sex is a sublime act of subtle and powerful communication and as in all communication dynamics, the receiver must be willing and open to receive what the sender has to express.

If the sender and the receiver are well tuned, then the communication flows, just as the sexual energy flows through this dynamics of receptivity and openness to each other.
If not, however much the sender wants to give his energy / information, the receiver cannot absorb or integrate it.

… love, listening, slowness, silence, interiorization, presence …

These are the keys to awakening female sexual power in intercourse.
A power that must be heated over a low heat and when it comes to a boil it has such energy that it can lead women to altered states of consciousness unimagined capable of melting the largest iceberg. And even soothe or heal, some emotional sexual wounds.

The path of healing is in our hands …

The first step should be to look at our sexuality with the desire to improve it, only then will we have the possibility to change our alchemical energy and this will have an immediate consequence in our entire life.

Ollin Mazatzin Emekauko

Please Universe… explain me

beautiful orange clownfishes

🗣: Universe, why do you put me in the pangolin?
✨: This animal, Corona, is on the verge of extinction. Yet men continue to poach and eat it. This will be the first step of my lesson.

🗣: Ok Universe. Why do you want me to start in China?
✨: China is the symbol of globalization and mass production. This country is overpopulated, mass-producing and mass-polluting

🗣: It’s true Universe. But at the same time it is because other countries also have a financial interest, right?
✨: Yes, that’s why your mission will be to spread you all over the world, and mainly in all the countries affected by this system, in Europe, in the United States, in the oil-producing countries

🗣: what shape will you give me, Universe?
✨: That of a virus that will mainly infect the respiratory tract.

🗣: But why Universe?
✨ Baby, see … these days men are endangering the planet. Pollution has become too great, but humanity does not measure its extent. What could be more symbolic than breathing, you understand?

🗣: Yes, but does that mean I’ll be dangerous, Universe?
✨: You will not be more than many other small existing diseases and you will be much less than the pollution itself that generates thousands of deaths! But the difference is that you will be visible

🗣: Okay Universe. But do you think this thing will work, I don’t understand how?
✨: You are right baby. That’s why I will make you very contagious. You will spread quickly. The propagation speed will be much higher than your danger.

🗣: Ok but if I’m not so dangerous, do you think they’ll be afraid of me?
✨: Oh baby yes, trust me. This is what I count on to change the mentality: fear. Only when a man is afraid that afterwards can he change

🗣: Do you believe?
✨: Yes baby, and I will add a whole context to amplify fear and awareness.

🗣: What Universe?
✨: Fear will take over so much that people will be confined to their homes … you will see. The world will stand still. Schools will be closed, public places, people will no longer be able to go to work. Cruises, planes, means of transport will be empty.

🗣: Oh la la, Universe, you’re going far, but what do you expect from this?
✨: Let the world change baby! May Mother Earth be respected! Let people realize human stupidity, inconsistencies in lifestyle and take the time to think about all this. Let them stop running, let them find that they have a family, children and time to spend with them. That they can no longer resort to external hyperactivity because they will be closed. Reconnect to themselves, even their family, this is essential

🗣: Ok but it will be dangerous, the economy will collapse
✨: Yes baby, there will be great economic consequences. But you have to go there. By touching it, I hope the world becomes aware of its operational inconsistencies. People will have to go back to a minimalist lifestyle, they will have to go back to the local and I hope it will help.

🗣: How will I transmit myself?
✨: through human contact. If people kiss, they touch …

🗣: bizarre Universe I don’t follow you, do you want to recreate a connection but keep people away?
✨ Piccolo, look at how men work today. Do you think the union still exists? Go through the virtual and screens. Even when men go around, they no longer look at nature but at their phones. Aside from the kiss, there’s not much left of being connected, so I’ll cut what’s left of their connection and go overboard. Staying confined to their homes, it is likely that at first they will celebrate on the screens but after several days they will saturate, raise their eyes, discover they have a family, neighbors and open their windows just to look at nature

🗣: You’re a tough type, Universe. You could have warned before hitting so hard
✨: But Corona, before you I sent many other little babies, but it was too localized and not strong enough

🗣: Are you sure men will understand this time?
✨: I don’t know Corona … I hope. Mother Earth is in danger … if that is not enough, I will do everything to save her, there are other babies waiting. But I trust you Corona and then the effects will be felt quickly: you will see the pollution decrease and will make you think. Men are very intelligent, I also trust their awakening potential, their ability to create new possibilities, they will see that the pollution will have dropped in an exceptional way, that the risks of shortages are real due to the fact of having globalized too much, that real luxury is no longer the money but the time. It takes a small global exhaustion because humanity can no longer bear this system, but it’s too much in the gear to realize it … it’s up to you!

🗣: thank you Universe… I’ll go

Nana (Nathalie Sené) – L’Art d’être SOI

Return to Normal Life?

black and white asian girl smiling

Many try to console themselves with this idea. A return to normalcy after the virus epidemic. This means living in a world of dreams, hypnotizing ourselves with a hope that in fact has no chance of coming back.

And what normalcy? That of individualism, the one where everyone thinks about themselves to beat others?

I try to indicate some of the various reasons that make this idea absurd and enemy of our evolution as human beings:

1. First of all, I wonder what is “normal” in a world where you work like crazy to buy “things” that mostly do not help but fill our lack of meaning and contact with ourselves and others ?

What is normal regarding the separation that we continuously nourish within ourselves and others through judgments, prejudices, exclusion, racism, ideology, nationalism, false gods?

What is normal about not having time, being stressed, running after money and success?

Telling us the tale of the golden age that preceded this moment only serves to keep us in a perennial state of narcissistic infantilism.

2. What is usually called normality is a continuous reduction in the field of possibilities and an adjustment to mediocrity as established by the canons of power.

“What is mediocrity? Mediocrity is a way of being in which the aspirations and yearnings for the highest values ​​and meanings of existence are suppressed or latent. Mediocrity is not what the average is, but conforming to the average in the absence of desire, aspiration and longing for the highest values ​​and meanings of existence.

Since no human being was born with an intrinsic desire to be mediocre but, on the contrary, with the desire and aspiration for greatness, the mediocre person must justify or ignore his mediocrity in order to live with it and with himself. This means that he or she must live a life that is false and without integrity disconnected from his deepest desires and aspirations “. Yasuhiko Genku Kimura

3. And then, in short, when will we understand, once and for all that the past is dead, and that the new continuously presents itself? What we call normality, referring to what has been, is now a corpse. It would be better to bury it, burn it, let it go, possibly even celebrating it. Our existence, in its infinite goodness, is pushing us to say enough!

4. Fortunately, normality does not exist. It is only a concept with which power — in all its forms, social, political and religious — has attacked the individual and our uniqueness.

It has manipulated us for millennia to induce us all to obedience.

The obedience to a certain way of seeing the world and oneself, the obedience to shoes and designer clothes, the obedience to the search of certainty, the obedience to hide ourselves and presenting a mask that wishes to please others, the obedience to money … etc. etc. (The reader can add whatever he/she wants to this list)

5. A look at the history of humanity clearly shows that it is not possible to go back to the past.

As far as we are concerned: globalism is showing all its limits, as a productive and financial strategy, expression of capitalist ideology, finally opening the way for a more human form of production where there is also time for oneself and life; the US empire has dominated the international scene since WWII, hiding behind the myth of democracy the desire for domination. This is falling apart with Nero / Trump burning what he can and showing his real face; communism has failed long time ago. So the planet is re-harmonizing as always, cleaning itself of useless things and offering new unpredictable possibilities; contact and cooperation re-propose themselves as real, and concrete; non-ideological values ​​go beyond the status quo and invite creativity.

It is up to us to take this evolutionary challenge and look for a meeting point between the individual and the community beyond known boundaries: I + We = All of us.

Whether you want it or not, this is where we are going: Infinite possibilities in infinites.

Avikal Costantino

The Intimacy in Californian Massage

moving into deep of the heart

Loris Castagnoli shows a technique during Californian Massage Foundation Training – Atlantida (Gran Canaria)

A few days ago I was talking with a friend about the intense intimacy that I create in the relationship with the people come to get my massage. I create the conditions so that they feel in a safe, secure space, their personal space where they can afford to go deep in.

This is a sacred space, not only for those who come to me, but for everybody. This usually means that after sometime the massaged come into a relationship very confidential and intimate with me because they feel safe and trusted. This confidence is the first step to begin a deeper path.

Technically what happens when going in trust, is that the 5th chakra (accordingly with 5th subtle body) jiggles melting disturbed energy forms enabling you to move toward the center of the chakra letting to contact a space of unconditional trust. From here the rings of 4 lower chakras start to vibrate inside the 5th body and begin to move the energies of the first four subtle bodies. It has an energy transformation that is the beginning of a healing process.

Here is the importance of trust, in therapy as in general in life. That’s why one of the powers of the Californian Massage is intimacy.

Create a space of confidence.

Create a sacred space.

The power of massage with AURA-SOMA®


The Aura-Soma system was born from an intuition of the alchemist Vicky Wall, which occurred following a canalization she received.

Aura-Soma is a completely natural non-intrusive chromotherapeutic method. Each bottle of Aura-Soma Equilibrium has the subtle properties of crystals that combine with the healing properties of herbs and flowers supported and nourished by the rainbow of light.

The color is part of the whole, we buy a car choosing it also through the color; we open the wardrobe in the morning and choose a dress rather than another, depending on the color that at that moment resonates with us; we choose the cover of our agenda first for the color and then depending on our need, weekly, monthly, etc …
And it is through the feeling that a particular color gives us, that we can discover which blocks, wounds and shadows are moving us away from our life path; but even more we can rediscover our gifts and talents.

Through a reading of over a hundred Equilibrium bottles, we select four bottles that represent the state of our individuality on all levels: energetic, psychic, spiritual and physical. What need expresses at that moment our soul or simply a support to our life choices, or to the direction towards which we now go. And using one of those bottles on ourselves we start an energy support work that works through the subtle bodies, the aura and the chakras.

The choice of bottles is the strength of this therapeutic method: we can not choose with the mental but through our perceptive capacities that are related to essentials of our energy system, much deeper than the mental layer, but above all much more real because they lack of conditioning. Color comes from a choice that totally bypasses the mind and that’s why the system is infallible.

Our aura is structured by seven main energetic “engines”, or chakras.
The chakras receive, assimilate, transform and transmit energy. The frequencies of the colors related to the chakras are the key with which the Aura-Soma bottles work. One of the intentions of Aura-Soma is to bring energy into balance and also to restore, revitalize as well as remove our disturbing energy forms on all levels.

To meet Aura-Soma is to give space to the call of our soul.

The use of Equilibrium bottles with Californian Massage is a really powerful method to increase the power of this system. Not only because it is distributed throughout the body, but above all because through the subtle quality of the affectivity of the massage a powerful synergy is created with the subtle work of Aura-Soma.
The important qualities of Californian Massage like affection, love, support. protection and many other essentials are purely subtle energetic qualities that are greatly amplified with the aid of the Aura-Soma system.

A really prosperous marriage 😍

Cats heal us and protect our Spirit

Massaggio Californiano Esalen Californian Massage
Cats have a “magical” connection with the invisible world.
Just as the dogs, who are our guardians in the physical world and would give their lives to save us, cats are our protectors of spiritual energy and would do anything to protect us when our energy lowers.
When we are awake, the cat “cleans” our home from intruded energies. When we sleep, it filters and transforms this energy. Often the cat looks and looks in “nothing” … sees the things we do not see.
Often, the cat that goes to a house that does not know begins to mew, it does not only to attract attention, it is a kind of warning that is giving: he feels that the quality of energy must improve in that place.
Our daily problems and stress are absorbed by the cat. In fact, when there is too much negative energy it is common for the cat to feel weaker.
Of course the cat is not the only one responsible for the energy balance of the house, the more harmony there is in your environment, the less you have to filter out the negative energy and, therefore, it will be happier and healthier.

When we sleep our bodies, astral and physical, they are separated and we go into a fifth dimension, that is, in a dimension without time or space: the dimension in which we are when we are dreaming. Because of the lack of training and preparation, most of the time we do not see this dimension, since it is rather “masked”, that is, codified with our unconscious psychic contents.
Cats usually accompany us and protect us on these astral journeys or protect our astral body, as well as take care of us against unwanted spiritual energies while we sleep.
These are the reasons why they like to sleep with us in bed.
The cat is an energy transformer that helps in healing. It teaches us to love. Not to submit to us, it teaches us that gratuitous love that makes the difference. In fact, many people find it difficult to live with cats and find them “interested animals”. First, the cat’s confidence must be earned. So we must learn to respect it. After that it will show you love when you are really ready.
Cats reflect love.
From an energetic point of view, people who are allergic to cats are people who in their life have difficulty letting themselves go to love. According to Caroline Connor, if there are many people in the family and only one cat, this can be overloaded to absorb all the negativity. In these cases it is good to have more than one cat to divide the load between them.
If you’ve never had a cat and suddenly one comes in your life it’s because you need a kitten at that specific time. The cat is willing to help you. If you can not keep it with you, it is important to find a home. The kitten will be close to you even if not physically and you can discover it through dreams. Often in the dreams the kitten appears, does his job and goes away.

Finally, try to observe how cats react to those who come to visit you at home. They are often trying to protect you from negative energy.

EVER SO LONELY – Monsoon feat. Sheila Chandra

Ever So Lonely is a single written by Steve Coe and originally recorded by Monsoon with Sheila Chandra on vocals. The song went on to be a #12 hit in the UK in April 1982, staying for nine weeks on the chart.
It was a hit in the UK, Europe and Australia but was never released as a single in the USA.
Sheila Chandra was aged only 16 and had just left school when her first single was a hit.

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

It’s an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem.

For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was the most intelligent species occupying the planet, instead of the third most intelligent.

The second most intelligent creatures were dolphins, who, curiously enough had long known of the impending destruction of the planet Earth. They’d made many attempts to alert mankind but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to punch footballs or whistle for titbits.

So they eventually decided they would leave Earth by their own means.

The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a sophisticated attempt to do a backward somersault through a hoop, whistling The Star-Spangled Banner.

In fact, the message was this: “So long and thanks for all the fish.”


directed by Garth Jennings – 2005 Touchstone Pictures